Anxious and Exhausted - 5 Ways to Slow Your Racing Thoughts

Your eyes are heavy. The yawns keep coming. You realize how tired you are and that you need to get some sleep. You crawl into bed, pull up the covers, and close your eyes. Instead of falling asleep, thoughts about your day, last week, and even last month start flooding your head: 'Why did I do that? Why did I say that? What will I do if that happens? Am I going to get fired? What am I going to do?'

The exhaustion hits you. You are doing everything in your power to close your eyes and fall asleep, but your brain just will not turn off. You open your eyes trying to think of any possible way for you to just fall asleep. Grabbing your phone off the nightstand, you start searching for tips and tricks on how to fall asleep. And chances are, this definitely is not the first time you have looked to the internet in hopes of falling asleep at night.

Check out these 5 ways to slow down those racing thoughts.

1. Breathe

Try focusing your attention on your breathing instead of all the thoughts running through your head. Breathing techniques, like the 4-7-8 breathing technique below, are used to help with relaxation:

  1. Begin by parting your lips slightly, exhaling completely.

  2. Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds.

  3. Hold your breath for 7 seconds.

  4. Exhale again for 8 seconds.

  5. Repeat 4-8 times.

There are many different types of breathing techniques out there. You will have to test them out and find what works best for you!

2. Stay Present

A lot of your worries or anxiety may stem from situations that occurred in the past or ones that may not have even happened yet. Staying present will help reduce those stressors of past and future occurrences. Use the 4-7-8 breathing technique, and then ask yourself how you are currently feeling.

3. Use Mantras

Mantras are another tool used to help calm the mind. Your mantra can be whatever saying or word you wish. Your mantra could look like any of the below:

  • I am worthy.

  • I am calm and still.

  • I am stronger than this.

  • Everything will be okay.

  • I am doing the best I can with what I have, and it is enough.

Similar to the breathing technique, you will use your mantra to push away those thoughts and anxious feelings. Repeat your mantra over and over again. Repeat your mantra again when your mind starts to wander. Eventually, those racing thoughts will subside and your mantra will be the only thing in focus.

4. Create a Bedtime Routine

When you have a bedtime routine, it trains your brain into recognizing that routine before it is time to sleep.

Here's an example of a nightly routine:

  1. Take a warm bath or shower

  2. Brush your teeth

  3. Set your alarm

  4. Limit screen time (no phone, laptop, or television)

  5. Read a book

  6. Get into bed

They say it takes 21 days to make something a habit. The nightly routine you create will become part of your normal schedule. Your brain will start to recognize all of these actions as the process to relax and ease your mind before falling asleep.

5. Take Control

New habits take time. If you are still having trouble slowing down your racing thoughts, consider scheduling a consultation. It may be time to ditch the advice from a stranger on the internet and connect with someone who will be able to help you heal.

Call, email, or submit a request on our website if you would like to participate in a FREE 15-minute consultation prior to beginning counseling. The Next Step is there to help navigate you towards healing.

Click here for more information on Anxiety Therapy.


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